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Infinity Dental Care Blog

Taking Care of Your Child’s Teeth While They’re Sick

January 24, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 3:24 pm
Little girl blowing her nose with a tissue

Helping your child protect their smile is simple enough under normal circumstances, but it can be a lot trickier during cold and flu season. If your child happens to get sick, their illness could have an impact on their oral health. Fortunately, your child’s dentist is here to explain a few simple steps that you as a parent can follow to protect your little one’s teeth while they have the cold or flu.


Do You Want to Floss More in 2025? Here Are 3 Tips to Help!

December 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 9:24 pm
Woman smiling while flossing teeth

Over the years, you may have adopted an unhealthy habit or two, like not flossing consistently. Fortunately, the new year (and a blank slate!) is just around the corner! To set yourself up for success, here are three tips that will help you stick to your resolution to floss more.


Like Red Wine with Your Turkey? Here’s How to Avoid Dental Stains

November 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 8:51 pm
Two glasses of wine and some grapes sitting on a wine barrel

You like to pair your holiday turkey dinner with a glass of red wine. There’s nothing wrong with having good taste, but you should know that this darkly pigmented liquid can quickly turn your pearly whites yellow!

Fortunately, you don’t have to turn down your favorite festive beverage for the sake of a picture-perfect smile. A few tips can help mitigate the staining effects of red wine, so just keep reading to learn more.


5 Reasons to be Thankful for Your Dentist

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 5:04 pm
A woman and child holding pumpkins.

There are so many reasons to be thankful this holiday season. Whether it’s your family, your friends, or even your oral health, we all have much to celebrate. But what about your dentist? After all, she’s always there to help keep your teeth healthy and strong. Here are a few great reasons to give thanks to your favorite tooth doctor this year!


Trick-Or-Treat Without the Sweets: Alternatives to Candy Kids Will Love

September 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 7:57 pm
Kids trick-or-treating for candy alternatives

Halloween is all about fun costumes, spooky decorations, and, of course, trick-or-treating. But if you’re looking to offer something a little different this year, why not try non-candy alternatives? There are plenty of treats that can be just as exciting (and much healthier) than the usual sugar bombs. If you’d like to explore some not-so-creepy alternatives to candy this year, continue reading!


Nobody Likes a Wise Guy: Here’s Why Wisdom Teeth Often Must Come Out

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 10:23 pm
Lady has oral pain

With age comes wisdom, but many people don’t enjoy the emergence of their wisdom teeth. While preventing tooth loss is one of the primary goals of dentistry, it is sometimes necessary to remove teeth to preserve the health of the rest of the mouth. Here’s a brief guide to why wisdom teeth often need to be removed including a few of the complications they can cause and an overview of a typical extraction procedure.


Protect Your Titanium Posts! What Not to Do After Dental Implant Surgery

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 10:50 pm
Man breaks cigarette

Dental implants are an excellent way to replace lost teeth because they look, feel, and work like the real thing and can last for thirty years or more if they receive excellent care. The healing period after having implants surgically placed is crucial for their success, and certain habits can interfere with it and make it more likely that the gums will reject the prostheses. Here are a few activities to avoid after receiving dental implants so they can heal smoothly and thoroughly.


Aesthetic Evolution: The History of Dental Implants

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 6:37 pm
Timey-wimey historic looking clock spinning

Today, many experts consider dental implants to be the ideal way to replace your missing teeth. Of all the options, they’re the only ones that are embedded directly into your jawbone. As a result, they provide many unique advantages over alternatives like dentures or dental bridges. In fact, they’re so resilient that they have a 95% success rate even 10 years after their initial placement.

However, that hasn’t always been the case. There’s a long history of trial and error that eventually resulted in these artificial teeth as we know them today. Continue reading to learn more about the fascinating evolution of dental implants!


Rousing Restoration: Can I Replace Healthy Teeth with Dental Implants?

June 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 3:11 pm
Dentist showing sample implant to patient with long brown hair

Many dentists consider dental implants to be the ideal way to replace missing teeth because they’re the only restoration that’s embedded directly into your jawbone. The titanium rods function like roots for stability while stimulating your jaw to keep it active and healthy.

These prosthetics offer a host of unique benefits that may lead you to question whether they’re better for you than your natural teeth. In fact, it’s not uncommon for individuals to ponder the possibility of replacing them with dental implants to take advantage of the perks they provide. Continue reading to discover more about why it’s usually preferable to keep the teeth you were born with!


What is Fluoride and How Can I Get It?

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 4:01 pm
Book with "fluoride" written in large letters

You might have heard the word “fluoride” thrown around your dentist’s office. But what is it? And why do they seem to like it so much?

In short, fluoride helps strengthen your teeth. Throughout the day, you lose small portions of your enamel to normal wear and tear. As your enamel thins, you might experience increased tooth sensitivity, and are more vulnerable to tooth decay. If you’re more prone to these issues, you might want to pick up some extra fluoride through your diet. Fortunately, that’s an easy task! Keep reading for a list of ideas.

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