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Protect Your Titanium Posts! What Not to Do After Dental Implant Surgery

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 10:50 pm
Man breaks cigarette

Dental implants are an excellent way to replace lost teeth because they look, feel, and work like the real thing and can last for thirty years or more if they receive excellent care. The healing period after having implants surgically placed is crucial for their success, and certain habits can interfere with it and make it more likely that the gums will reject the prostheses. Here are a few activities to avoid after receiving dental implants so they can heal smoothly and thoroughly.


Aesthetic Evolution: The History of Dental Implants

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — idchillsboro @ 6:37 pm
Timey-wimey historic looking clock spinning

Today, many experts consider dental implants to be the ideal way to replace your missing teeth. Of all the options, they’re the only ones that are embedded directly into your jawbone. As a result, they provide many unique advantages over alternatives like dentures or dental bridges. In fact, they’re so resilient that they have a 95% success rate even 10 years after their initial placement.

However, that hasn’t always been the case. There’s a long history of trial and error that eventually resulted in these artificial teeth as we know them today. Continue reading to learn more about the fascinating evolution of dental implants!
