There’s generally no need to be nervous about having dental implant surgery performed. With a success rate of over 95%, you can typically look forward to getting many years of use out of your sturdy, reliable dental implant posts. But what if your dental implants do happen to fail? The answer is simple: call Infinity Dental Care to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kalluri. We’ll work to identify the underlying problem as quickly as possible and determine the best way to protect your smile.
Since dental implant failure is so rare, you may be wondering what can cause it to happen in the first place. Here are a few common culprits:
There may be a problem with your dental implants if:
When you’re having trouble with your dental implants, you can schedule an appointment at our office. We can examine your mouth to figure out what went wrong and explain what treatment options are available. Sometimes it’s possible to save your dental implants, but in certain cases, it may be necessary to remove the posts. However, you may be eligible to have new dental implants placed once your mouth is healthy again.