Once you’ve adjusted to your new denture, it should fit very securely, which makes sense because it’s designed to do so. However, your gum tissues will change shape over time, making your denture looser and more likely to shift. By getting your denture relined by a professional every couple of years, it will stay secure and functional.
It’s a common rule-of-thumb to get your denture a hard reline every two years. At Infinity Dental Care, a hard reline involves removal of a layer of plastic from the denture’s interior. This section is then filled with a putty-like material, which confirms to shape of your mouth, resulting in an accurate model. Afterwards, the denture goes to a dental lab, where fine-tune adjustments are made in order to best fit the new shape of your gum tissue. Overall, hard relines provide maximum contact between your denture and mouth and a more comfortable and reliable fit.
If you have many tender or sore spots inside your gums, traditional dentures may be difficult for you to wear. At Infinity Dental Care, we may recommend a soft reline, which uses softer materials that remain pliable for one to two years. The result is a denture that is far less likely to cause sore sports compared to a hard reline. Of course, those with tender or sore gums may also find implant-supported dentures to be a better long-term solution.
Has it been a long time since you last had your denture repaired? This can result in red, swollen or tender gums that have significantly changed in shape, making a reline more difficult to perform. Furthermore, a soft or hard reline could actually exacerbate the problem.
Temporary relines use palliative reline material to allow inflammation in the gums to subside, making the denture fit more tightly. It is medicated, softer, more pliable, and after a few weeks, the gums can return to their healthy state. After enough time has passed, we can prepare you for your new denture or hard reline.