Tooth loss should always be addressed as missing teeth will negatively affect your bite as well as your ability to chew and speak. It can also put additional stress on your remaining teeth, cause muscle pain in your jaw, and even lead to chronic headaches. Of course, tooth loss also affects your appearance, which many people cite as their main reasoning for replacing teeth. Below, you’ll learn how Infinity Dental Care replaces teeth via implant dentures, a revolutionary solution to tooth loss. If you would like to learn how we can rebuild your unique smile, contact us today.
Dental implants in Hillsboro are prosthetic tooth roots that get placed in the jaw. They support restorations (artificial teeth) on top of them. There are several types of implant dentures. Depending on your unique situation, Dr. Kalluri may recommend one of the following for you:
With just two dental implants placed inside the lower jaw, a denture can be designed to snap on top of them. As a result, your lower denture is far more stable when chewing compared to not having implants. There will be some movement of your lower denture and food debris can cause sore spots if they care caught underneath it. Since this device is removable, you’ll need to attend routine appointments so Dr. Kalluri can make adjustments.
Alternatively, four to six implants can be placed into your lower jaw, but this depends on the size and shape of your jaw. Once each dental implant has sufficiently healed, a custom-made support bar is connected to them, giving your new denture space to attach. The denture is customized with internal retention clips which snap onto the bar and keep it stabilized. This option is also referred to as an “overdenture” and provides the additional advantage of being more stable than a ball attachment. Despite this, the denture is easily removable for cleaning and maintaining.
Finally, five or more implants can be placed throughout the jaw and attach to a permanent fixed denture. Held in place via screws and clasps, this denture is held in place by support posts or bar, depending on what best suits your needs. Since it doesn’t contact your gum tissue, it’s easier to clean underneath the denture while still inside your mouth. In fact, it is not meant to be removed whatsoever, unless when done by a dental professional. At first, cleaning under the denture takes additional practice, but those looking for a fixed option will largely prefer this solution to missing all their lower teeth.
A similar range of treatment options is also available for your upper jaw. However, because the bone is not as hard as that in the lower jaw, people often need more implants to support their new replacement teeth. Depending upon the number of implants to be placed, it may be possible to eliminate the need for covering the roof of your mouth with a complete denture. This option allows you to fully taste your food and gives you a better sense of its temperature. Your denture will feel more natural. You will still have a removable denture, which makes cleaning the support bar and denture much easier.
It’s possible that you won’t need to cover the roof of your mouth with a complete denture if you intend on having enough implants placed. Many patients who have a denture that covers the roof of the mouth struggle to fully taste food or gauge a sense of temperature inside their mouth. However, an implant denture prevents this issue. The device is still removable, which means cleaning the support bar and denture will also be much easier.
The procedure for implant dentures in Hillsboro varies slightly from patient to patient. Most people must go through four stages of treatment:
Ideal candidates for implant dentures:
If you are not sure if you qualify for dental implants, schedule a consultation with us. After we welcome you as a new patient, we will evaluate your situation and create a plan to rebuild your smile. Most adults do qualify for implant dentures, either right away or after some preliminary treatments.
Some of the top benefits of implant dentures include: